De bästa texterna ever

When i first met you,
I never would have
imagined that i would
have such strong
feelings for you,
I never would have
thought that i would have
dreams about you or
miss being by your side
or get
in my stomach
when someone mentions
your name
When i first met you
I never would have
thought that
I would love you♥

loved you once
love you still
always have
always will

I don't know where
I stand with you
And i don't know
what i mean to you
All i know is everytime
I think of you
alla i wanna do is
be with you

All i want
Is you♥

I want a guy
who calls you
beautiful instead of hot
who calls you back
when you hang up on him
who will stay awake
just to watch you sleep
The boy who kisses your forehead
Who wants to show you off to the world
Who thinks you're pretty without
makeup on. The one who is
constantliy reminding you of
how much he cares about you
and how lucky he is to have you

I love you so deeply
I love you so much
I love the sound of your voice
and the way that we touch
I love your warm smile
and your kind, thoughtful way,
the joy that you bring
to my life every day.
I love you today
as i have from the start,
and i'll love you forever
with all of my heart♥



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